Donate to Miami Beach Classical Music Festival
Sponsorship of the Miami Beach Classical Music Festival is an investment in tomorrow's generation of classical musicians and audiences alike. All financial contributions are tax-deductible.
Donors are a cherished and vital component to our organization; your gift will allow us to continue to train the next generation of elite musicians and enrich the arts community right here in South Florida.
Through the generosity of supporters like you, we've been able to expand our programming of the festival to year-long events, increase our community outreach and create unique opportunities such as this year's installation of the Miami Wagner Institute. MMF is committed to a mission of curating the future of the arts through tradition and innovation, heralded by guest artists including legends and innovators Linda Watson, Alan Held, Sherrill Milnes, Christine Goerke, Michael Heaston and more.
Tuition and ticket sales offset only half of the Festival’s operating costs. Miami Beach Classical Music Festival relies on donations and sponsorships such as yours to keep this priceless experience affordable and accessible for our young musicians. Your support establishes essential assistance for these creative and enterprising young talents and invests in the longevity of classical music through scholarships and general program operation.
Our Sponsors:
The Miami Beach Classical Music Festival is funded by the Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, National Endowment for the Arts and The Children’s Trust to promote artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation in our communities. The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County.